Top Tips for Better Chroma-Key Photos


1. Use a Lastolite brand backdrop. These have the best Chroma-Key Green color for better cutouts. 10’x12′ and 10’x24′ sizes can be purchasedĀ here.

2. Hang the backdrop with no wrinkles or folds. Clamp it tight from the left and right sides and tape down the floor so it is also smooth.


3. Use larger light modifiers for softer and wider light coverage reducing shadows. The best is theĀ Promaster Black & White 60″ Umbrella.

4. Position the umbrella as far from the light as the mounting stem will allow. The end of the stem should be even with the control side of the studio light.


5. Remove the silver reflector/spill kill from the studio light. This gives the maximum light spread with the umbrella.

6. Keep the subject’s heels at least 4′ from 10′ wide backdrops.

7. Keep the subject’s heels at least 3′ from 5′ wide backdrops.


8. Add a backdrop fill light if excessive shadows are present on the backdrop. Use a large umbrella and position to the side of the background. Use one on each side of the backdrop for Chroma-Key blue since it tends to photograph darker than is optimal.