TKO Knockout/Cutout Services Update

TKO Knockout/Cutout services have a ceiling on the size of the images that can be processed in both image size and file size.

Image Size should be 24 MP or below. Measured in Megapixels (MP), this is the resolution or the pixel dimensions of your images. The image size is set in your camera with the S (Small), M (Medium) and L (Large) settings.

File Size should be 8 MB or below. Measured in Megabytes (MB), this is the file size or how much space the image occupies on your memory card. The file size is set in your camera with the Fine, Normal and Basic settings in Nikons and Fine (Pie Symbol) and Normal (Stair Step) settings in Canons. The File Size can be reduced by using Basic or Stair Step settings in your camera. This increases the compression of the data making the file size smaller, but does decrease the amount of pixels or image size of the digital image.

Previously, when oversized images were uploaded via the CCS Uploader or via PhotoMatch for TKO Cutouts, they would not process. If the images were then resized/compressed for a second uploading attempt, these images would also not process until the originals were manually cleared from the uploading queue.

Starting on Monday, October 12, we will be begin automatically downsizing any oversized TKO images in Image Size and/or File Size so they will process for cutouts without delay.

The costs for TKO Cutouts that meet the size requirements are still 21 cents per image. Images that require downsizing will be 31 cents per image. The invoices for these will be listed as Code 13188 Total Knockout at 21 cents each and 13347 Resize Total Knockout at 10 cents each.

You can reduce your image and file sizes by shooting at 5-6 MP resolution (Small) with the camera’s highest compression (Basic or Stair Step) for school portraits, little league sports, graduations and Party Pics. This will give you more than enough detail to fulfill the products ordered within those markets. All of the current cameras on the market have resolutions (Image Size) that are far in excess of what is needed for doing most volume photography. The smaller file sizes that are the result of the lower resolution and higher file compression will keep you in the lower commission scales for orders placed after the first day of orders and your images will upload and process faster. Click here for more info on the commission scales in relation to average file sizes for events.

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding TKO processing or how to navigate the quality settings in your camera.